Install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

Tadi malam abis download Ubuntu Server yang terbaru dari repo UGM, burning at CD, and then install. Muantep dah! Apalagi komputer yang diinstall Ubuntu dengan codename Jaunty Jackalope ini tersambung dengan internet. Wekekekek.

Meski komputer yang diinstal masih Pentium 3 tapi lancar-lancar aja tuh. Yah, namanya aja diinstall minimalis bro. Hehehe. Apalagi dengan RAM yang cuma 256mb.

Rencananya sih komputer ini mau aq buat web server with IP publik. Wordpress juga sudah diunduh tadi pagi, dan tinggal install. LAMP juga sudah jalan. Ga apa-apa lah cuma dapet harddisk 6,4 GB. Tapi kalo buat sendiri sih. Kan lumayan tuh! Daripada hosting di tempat lain. Ini kan gratis. Xixixixi.

Ya udah, segitu dulu laporannya. Huft, besok senin udah masuk sekolah lagi nie. Potong rambut dulu ah!


An easy-to-use piece of software for creating and burning archives from an optical disc, namely ISOs.

Creates ISO images;
Burns ISO images;
CD and DVD support.

Download this file

Creating ISO images can be done in many ways as this archive format has gained more and more turf due to its easy handling. ISOs shelter all the files, preserving the original structure, just like any other archive, the difference being that ISO images can be mounted on virtual drives and manipulated just as if they were unarchived, which means that you can read any data on the mounted virtual drive with no restriction.

The suite of software designed to create ISO images includes both freeware as well as paid apps perfectly capable of archiving data in this format. There is also a wide range of software specially built to mount ISO as a virtual drive.

DoISO, an application built to help you create ISO images, can be downloaded and used for as long as you want, as it is completely free of charge and distributed under the GPL license. It’s a simple and easy to use application that does not feature special requirements except for the fact that it needs Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 to work. It is actually an ISO creation frontend for “mkisofs,” which is used for premastering ISO9660 filesystems used on CD-ROMs, and whose output can be burnt on a CD with specific software. It has support for many formats, including Rock Ridge, Joliet, and Apple HFS (beta).

The Create ISO tab of DoISO enables you to select the folder from which you want to create your image. It also asks you to set a Volume Label and to select whether or not you want to burn the image when it is complete. You can choose to burn it to a DVD or CD and also erase the storage media first, in case it supports the action (RW), an option that reveals the other side of DoISO – it is not just an ISO maker but also an ISO burner.

The first thing that might strike you as odd is the complete absence of a minimize button, which basically means that you can’t have the program work in the background, thus you are stuck with it on your desktop.

You also have at your disposal the option Burn existing ISO image in case you want to make a copy of a formerly created image or if you just didn’t have the disc at the time you created it. You can also select to erase first and set the speed at which you want the burning to take place.

Another choice that this tab offers you is whether or not to have a postgap for the image, and here you also have the ‘session at once’ option, according to your needs. Postgap is just digital silence like writing 0's to the sector. It’s really just a run-off area to make it easier to see the difference between tracks. That might come in handy if you burn two or more tracks on a disc, but I don't see its usefulness if you're burning just one.

The last tab of the application, ISO Creation Options, allows you to select the ISO level or the custom command line parameters. Another option is the “Optimise Duplicates” – you might have noticed that the word “optimize” is misspelled, but this is for further optimization of the ISO that you create. Also in this section you can choose to add a preparer and publisher to your newly created image.

The problems begin when you want to burn an ISO using this piece of software. It doesn’t do the job and gets stuck without leaving you any possibility of doing something about it. This means that you can use it to create the archived image but you have to resort to another program to burn it on to a CD or DVD.

All in all, this is a handy and very easy to use application for those who need their information archived in this particular format. It gets the job done, for no money at all and with almost no bother.

The Good
DoISO is a simple program that does exactly what it’s supposed to do – it creates and burns ISO in a fast and reliable way and without too much effort on your part – and for the inexperienced user it is quite perfect.

The Bad
Advanced users could see the simplicity of the software as a downside, since they might expect a better interface or a number of options that DoISO does not offer. Of course, the burning part is the worst.

The fact that one very important feature of the program is not working at the necessary parameters can only mean a big minus for the application, since it means it’s not 100% efficient.

The Truth
Overall, DoISO can satisfy the picky users, as it is a handy program for creating and burning mkisofs ISOs. Even if there’s room for some more improvements, like a better customization of the DVD options, it’s an application that helps you with your work for absolutely no money at all. The part that still requires some work done is the fact that the burning utility doesn’t work and which can ruin your day.

Here are some snapshots of the application in action: